We’re back with another installment of
: Pleasures, Curated.I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy getting to know members of the Pleasure Lists community and what makes their Pleasures tick. And major apologies for the hiatus — The Pleasure Lists was out on holiday gathering more Pleasure, but expect more to come soon!
Pleasures, Curated by of
is a book critic at the New York Times and a contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine. She also writes zines. Molly is an incredible writer and one I have been reading for years. It’s an honor to have her Pleasures listed here. Social: @mollybethyoung on Instagram
Edible glitter
Pictured here are bowls of salt that have been mixed with edible silver glitter. It was at a dinner party but I immediately ordered my own edible glitter ($4.99) and mixed it with salt. Now everything I eat is glamorous.
When the lights dim at a movie theater
...and a hush spreads across the crowd.
Regional accents
(Especially Maine and North Carolina.)
The Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA
My favorite place to vacation in all seasons!
Each room is different but every single one is an Agatha Christie set. Chintz wallpaper, wrought iron beds, antiques, fireplaces that may or may not work, needlepoint portraits of George Washington..and reasonable rates, too!
Drinking a pint in the low-ceilinged pub makes me feel like I'm plotting against the British. Maybe I am. Pro tips: stay in the main house and make conversation with fellow guests. Take the handsoap home; it smells uncommonly delicious.
Malted milk balls
These double as a home ornament, as you can see from my installation. Here is my favorite source; select the colors and flavors that "speak to you" and scatter them about your enclosure. Malted milk balls have been unjustly neglected as a candy due to the mediocrity of Whoppers. It is time to resurrect the noble orb.
Beethoven's Waldstein
Shivers. Every time.
The rare cigarette
What can I say, I love to exhale a plume. On the rare occasions when I indulge, I exult in every toxic iota.
Vanity license plates
Such fun to spot in the wild! A contribution to the rich mosaic of our surroundings.
What does pleasure mean to me?
Dancing to the music of time.
Who do you want to see next? Send me suggestions for who to feature in the next Q&A!
What Is “Pleasures, Curated”?
Each week, a new Pleasure-seeker will document their personal Pleasures and ruminate a bit on what Pleasure means to them. True to
style, I keep the list-maker’s je ne sais quoi in as much as I can — only minor editorial changes are made when necessary. I do this intentionally so that the writer’s inner world really comes through. The style of the list says as much about the writer as the list itself.Read Previous Q&A’s:
Why submit a list?
Pleasure Lists are a summary of what you need, want, or have, or see at a particular moment in time. They are a survey, an overview, a summary of the crucial facts of the state of one aspect of your life. It’s a kind of blueprint that can be a guide to the future.
Mull it over and if you’re moved to, send me a list.
Questions? Comments? Send any recommendations or suggestions for what you’d like to see in these newsletters my way. I’d love to hear more about what you’re currently finding pleasure in.
Join the chat below to connect with other members of the Pleasure List community:
Please share this newsletter! The Pleasure Lists is meant to be a collaborative project that calls people from all over to write, read, and share their pleasures — a global community of artists, writers, and pondering minds alike.
I’ve read your writing a lot over the years, and as I saw your love for vanity plates here, I will be sure to let you know when I finally publish a post about vanity plates. I think I have 40 or more pictures of ‘em and find them similarly enchanting!